Enosi meaning Union in Greek, is the perfect name for this 2 part pendant that is held in union by magnets. The 2 parts harmoniously assemble their curves and tunnels to form one unified, uber stylish creation.

*85 cm Box Rollo Chain included


Material: Stainless Steel

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Navio Designs uses international standard ring sizes. The sizes shown in the product details are North American size indicators (Sizes 6, 7, 8, etc) To determine your ring size…

  1. You can download the Ring Sizer Chart Pdf from the link below, print it out at 100% magnification/zoom & follow the instructions on it. The pdf also contains a ring size template that can be used to determine your ring size using the rings you currently own.
    Download Navio Designs- Ring Sizer Chart
  2. You can visit http://findmyringsize.com follow the instructions. Please note, this is an external link and Navio Designs has no control over the ads and other content shown on their website.